I can't believe that I've put this post in the draft box forever! I finally fulfilled my dream of baking an artisan bread for my mom, when she was in New York. She stayed only briefly for a weekend here, but that was quite enough for me to show her my life. I tried to show off all 'the best' of my beloved New York to her, the good restaurants, museums, stores.... People tend to say that NY is more of a tourists' city, but I do enjoy living here, especially when I'm still young to get excited.
The bread is a just a old favorite recipes- lots of rye flour, flaxseeds and soughdough with all the natural, 'wild yeast', it can't taste bad! (My mom was actually quite scared about the long time soughdough bread takes to make. I'm just so convinced that the wait is so worthwhile to render the best flavor. )
I do hope my pictures are looking better than before, because I GOT A NEW CAMERA! I just love it so much!! It's actually quite a professional one, which does make my food look more tasty! I never deny I'm a total believer of 'good-lookingism', and I just cannot move my eyes away from those gorgeous pictures of those food blogs (and from cute guys XP). Guess I have now even more motivations to continue my baking.
The only down-side of having this professional camera is- as I gave my old camera to my mom and this new one is so heavy, right now I only depend on my iphone to take pictures when I'm out lolllll.....
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