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Green tea cheese cake with meringue lining- my first design cake, based on some nerdy idea lol

I can't wait to post this cake!! I made it to celebrate a friend's defense party. I've celebrating a lot recently, I weirdly feel happiness mixed with light sorrow. Like it is wonderful that my friend is becoming a doctor today, but I just get so frequently uncertain about my own future; like I just knew that  a close friend of mine got engaged today- my memory about college life suddenly flooded in my mind; how I wish I could witness the moment with you guys!!! I guess maybe right now everything seems to be behind the mist and full of uncertainty, eventually if you retrospect, things are shaping in some direction for some reason.
I just want to say I was SO HAPPY that I was asked by my lab mates to make a cake (I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!) and it is just amazing to be trusted =D

The cake is assembled by a green tea sponge cake (I love this sponge cake recipe!!! which is in Chinese... and a cream cheese mousse with fresh raspberries (I modified it from this recipe, also in Chinese lol). And as I'm during the "honeymoon with lining-my-cake" stage, I lined my cake with those meringue biscuits, which basically consists of only egg white, icing sugar and a touch of green tea powder. Meringue biscuits are usually too sweet, but they actually go well with the subtle bitterness of green tea and the not-so-sweet cake, and they gave another layer of crunchy texture. Just be careful when you bake the meringues; they are so sticky!!! I baked some of my meringues on a wax sheet, and I spent forever to get them out of the sheet!!!

As for the idea of this cake, the nerdy one- I want to make GEEKY cake which can be sort of related to science, but also nicely presented. So I based my cake on a green/red fluoresence labeled cell lol I will just say the raspberries represent the centrosome ( a cellular structure) of a immune cell, and will not go any deeper here~~~~


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