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Pocky Versioned Strawberry Charlotte- it's all about spring!

I can't wait to post this cake I made this week; I wanna tell people how 'intelligent' I am! (= ̄ω ̄=) By saying that I mean this 'seemingly fancy' cake is a pure recreation of what I have in hand. 
So my situation this week was- 1. I need to bake a nice cake for a really good friend of mine before Friday, and it needed to be good! 2. I had a full-scheduled week of experiments and my qualify exam proposal (still not much progress for that lol) before Friday. 3. The checkers cake I made last weekends made me completely exhausted, the good thing about which was I saved two layers of chocolate sponge cake and that saved me!
As it's finally spring, (Wait, there will be a snow next Tuesday??? New York is just crazy!!! %^&*() I want to make a strawberry charlotte, with the chocolate sponge cake as the base, strawberry bavarois mousse as filling, and all fresh berries on top. But I also needed ladyfingers to line the side of a classical charlotte cake, which I couldn't ever find the time to bake this week! What I had were two packets of mocha flavored Pocky. I stole the idea of a 'pocky cake' from this fantastic blog (Definitely love all the cakes she makes and they are all gorgeous! ): 

So problem solved? Wait, two packets of pocky are not enough to line up the whole cake! Belinda the blogger used 5-6 packets- she was making a 20cm cake vs. my was 15cm though but I definitely needed more pocky lol. Intelligent as I was (XPPPP), I broke around 8 sticks into halves and made an asymmetrical lining. 
Asymmetry is an art! That was another accidental 'fancy' element I added to this cake~~~~~~


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