Long time no see!
I've got to explain my dropping one of the most pleasant things in the world-BREAD MAKING, yasss... My sourdough starter died! That was real heart-breaking for me. Yes, you need to feed& maintain your sourdough starter by adding new flour/water every week. Bring them out from the fridge, reactive them in warm place, and, all in all, make them happy by using/refilling them frequently.
I was doing a totally bad example- I was lazy for the summer (busy with some traveling) so I didn't touch my baby for a whole month. And it was too late when I thought of it. Sad story...
Even after I finally ended all the hustles of the summer, I wasn't able to restart my new sourdough starter culture. So I moved on to some other hustles and fed myself with bread from the Wholefoods- they are OK to live on with compared to most crappy breads in other markets in my mind..
And time flew to the end of the year! I was deeply feeling something was missing in my life XP. I decided to use this quick recipe of substituting sourdough with commercial yeast.
Say I wanted to add g sourdough starter, I just simply mixed . I left the mixture to ferment (have some fermenting flavor) in room temperature for a couple of hours and used it the same way that I would use sourdough starter.
The dough with the new "starter" raised rather slowly, in a good way because slow fermentation process would give some more flavors to the dough. And luckily it raised nicely in the oven and the crust was nice.

As for the final thoughts about this new recipe, it is definitely a "quick and easy" way compared to the most tedious traditional sourdough starter. However, I would say the flavors were not comprarable to the latter.. (if you ever tried a good sourdough bread.)
I will try ways to improve this new recipe and see if I make it more flavorful. And in the meanwhile, new project- to start a new sourdough culture!
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