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102nd use of coconut oil- coconut infused sweet potato sourdough buns

Inspired by my friend, I got a jar of coconut oil from supermarket. One big jar of around 6 bucks- not fancy at all. However the moment I opened it, I was immediately lost in the sweet& aromatic coconutty smell. (Anyone likes me who just can not resist everything about coconut, you know it!) 
Coconut oil is so versatile that you can find articles named '101 uses of coconut oil' everywhere. My friend has been used the coconut oil as her make-up remover, and it works perfect for her. I do like massaging the aromas into my skin, but my water-proof mascara and eye liner are just too stubborn to get off easily. Instead, I've been using a lot of the coconut oil on myself (NOT the bread yet lol) as hair mask- I apply it all over my hairs and twist into a bun before going to bed, and wash it off the next morning when I take a shower. I have quite dry hair, which definitely benefits from the nourishment; PLUS just imagine sleeping with yourself smelling great all night!

While I'm keeping coconut oil in my beauty routine, I immediately thought of infusing it to my bread. I did it by simply replacing the canola oil with coconut oil of the buns. 
The result was amazing  []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Though artisan sourdough bread is my forever beloved, as I bake quite often now, it's nice to also try my sourdough starter in other ways, like these sweet potato buns. To enhance the fermenting sourdough flavors, I added rye flour to the starter and let it stay overnight. The next morning, I made the dough by incorporating with more white flour, water and mashed sweet potatoes. 

So the end result is the co-working of sourdough, rye, sweet potatoes and coconut oil, which created a surprising harmony of flavors. It's one of the reasons why I'm SO obssessed with making breads, they give you surprise all the time. To me, every sourdough bread has its own personality, and you can do little about it once you combine everything. 

I also tried something new when I shaped them- twisting them into buns! (as I did with my hair lol) Not a fantastic, neat job yet, so we shall call them 'sexy messy buns' XP


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